Relationship Intensives

A man and woman hugging in front of a city.

As an alternative to couples retreats, relationship mini-intensives are available online for couples in crisis seeking support for their relationship during uncertain times.

​Are you feeling overwhelmed, experiencing anxiety or heartbreak? Do the issues in your marriage seem to have been amplified by the profound stress of COVID-19? Is your relationship in a state of crisis?

Online couples therapy intensives are a great adjunct or alternative to weekly couples therapy. Whether it is needing to get a sitter or take off work, many couples find intensives to be more convenient.

Research demonstrates that couples therapy is quite effective when offered in intensive doses upfront. Marriage counselling or couples therapy intensives allow the therapist to get to the heart of the matter in a focused and concise way that couples respond incredibly well to.

woman with hand on man's cheek looking in love

How long is an intensive session?

We offer 3, 4.5 and 6 hour intensives

Who should attend?

Intensives are well suited for couples in crisis who need help right away, those navigating life transitions, infidelity, retirement, you name it. Couples who often attend intensives are those on the brink of divorce who need help to make a determination about their relationship.​

Intensives are for:

  • Couples who are actively willing to work on their marriage/relationship

  • Couples who are emotionally dysregulated

  • Couples struggling with an affair who have had time to process the implications

  • Couples who are disconnected, distant, or cold

  • Marriages in which one partner is selfish, demanding, irresponsible, or self-absorbed

  • Couples who have good reasons to stay married, but are ambivalent

Who should not attend?

  • We cannot accept couples who engage in regular and ongoing physical violence

  • Where one partner suffers from substance use and requires in-patient care

  • When an active and untreated mental illness is destroying your marriage

  • When having an undisclosed affair

  • Where one partner refuses to complete the intake assessment prior to the retreat

  • When one partner is unwilling to put genuine effort into changing their marriage

Ready to get started?
Have more questions?

We want to make sure you find a therapist who is the right fit for you. Reach out to book a free consultation where we can assess your needs to provide you with the best care.